Monday, September 21, 2009

catching up

My summer was mostly overcast or pouring rain with brief periods if sun, so I just couldn't write.

To sum up:

On the home front I've dealt with the nightmare of the dealing with the condo board and finally got everything fix last weekend. I now need to put everything back.

On the dating front, "I'm looking for my fourth wife." Why would someone say that on a first date? And "If you voted for Obama or consider yourself a feminist you'er not the girl for me." I didn't vote for Obama because he is too conservative for me, besides I was too busy burning my bra.

On the work front, my organization is undergoing a major upheaval and while my group is secure, there is a lot uncertainty and the fighting in the media is awful.

On the health front, I had a scare and I had someone tell me that I'm "really getting fat".

But the fall is here and I'm starting anew. I've taken up swimming with a goal to swim 1650m. I'm taking a sewing class to make a coat. I'm moving to the teenagers with girl guides. So things should be better.


Sunshine Promises said...

Oh, how I needed a Charlotte update.

First of all, the "looking for my fourth wife" bit . . . terrifying. Another testament that it is better to be happy and single than miserable and married (that is, in a bad marital relationship).

And - though I laugh that Obama is too conservative for you (I think he is OOC most of the time)- I WILL join you in bra burning. I'm sick-and-tired of forever living in a nursing bra.

And - most importantly - what is this medical scare? Are you okay? I will be praying for happiness, health and peace for my beautiful Charlotte.

Love you, sister!

kk Leilani said...

I am so happy for an update. missed you. I second S. wilkinson. you are the coolest. never stop writing/posting or just doing what you do. can't wait to hear how a change in weather, swimming goals, guiding, etc...goes. much love