Thursday, June 5, 2008

The "Other" Ten Commandment

There are times when you need to laugh at the nastiness that sometimes comes from others. Sometimes it is very hard and other times they make it easy for you.

Today, I received an email that as I read I couldn't decide if I wanted to cry because I was so hurt or punch the person in the face for being so out of line. But they ended the email with the following line "As you should be well aware one of the 10 commandments is, “Do unto others as you would like done to you.”"

I just started to laugh outloud. I could not help but think, if you are going to call me on something and use the scriptures to back up your point, you had better make sure you get it right because I will be able to find it. And in this case, I had it memorized from seminary.

Lest any of you worry, I did not send back a nasty email, tempting though it was. I took a page out of Pahoran's book (Alma 60-61) and just apologized.

1 comment:

The Sorensen Bunch said...

I LOVE SISTER KING! I know you know your stuff!Good for you for being on higher ground